More Growth. More Customers.


Marketing is important...

...but there are already 101 things on your to-do list.
And they are all important too!

So How Do You Optimize
Your Marketing?


No problem if you have little to do.But if you are already busy... then this is not a feasible option.


Finding good people is difficult,
training is expensive.
And even if you find that perfect person... you're still dependent on one person!


No marketing budget of tens of thousands of dollars a month?This often means that your account is managed by the intern of the assistant's assistant.Not good.

"Ok... So What Makes
You So Different?"


We only win if you win. That's the basis for a good partnership.You won't carry all the risk, we'll share it.


Our first priority is to get you results.Less talk, more walk.


We are not hidden away in an anonymous call center.We work locally, so you know where to find us if you need us.


Jack of all trades... master of none. Specialization worksThat's why we work with industries we know, so we can guarantee results.

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-Free Guide-

4 Easy Steps To Getting More Clients Using Meta Ads

Facebook and Instagram are the quickest and most cost-effective ways to attract the perfect clients for your business.In this free guide we tell you how to do exactly that. No jargon, no technical mumbo-jumbo, just an easy to follow step-by-step overview of exactly what to do.

Gypsy-Storm Davis June 16

The Major Mistake In Your Sales Approach That's Costing You Clients!

We want money now, right? The whole concept of a business is to get money in exchange for offering value, whether as a service or a product. We have no time to waste on following up with the prospect and beg for their interest. Why not get the sale on the first contact?That my friends is the difference between a one step and a two-step lead generation.And you may already be using them.One step lead generation goes for the sale right in the ad. “You like this, I sell that, buy it here”, a one-step lead. Two step lead generations offer value in exchange for their email to keep stimulating their interest. Ever signed up for a free newsletter? That’d be the two step lead doing its thing.Let’s focus on the one-step and what major mistakes are made costing businesses clients.People who prefer to go straight in for the sale tend to have this thought that their product and marketing is so amazing, why wouldn't they buy from me? Here's the issue with that thought process…Most products and services aren’t any different from what the next guy or gal with a website is selling.It's a hard truth. We all think we discovered sliced bread but really, we are all pushing the same resolutions to the same problems.So why should they buy from you?The two-step lead generation folks are out here following up, redirecting their ads to their target group, and most importantly, gaining the trust of their now customers. But you want the sale right from the very beginning!So… how do you compete with the persistent two-step lead generation?I’ll tell you a secret that is preventing your conversions for your ‘first contact sale’ methodology and no, the problem isn't that you aren't offering a free trial of your services to get their email for your email list.You must gain the trust of multiple contacts on the first one.How do you do that?Most marketing is bad marketing but even if you retarget bad marketing to potentially interested clients, well, you have a better chance at conversion. When you go directly for the sale in the ad, you need to have a better mix of product or service information and good marketing.You don't want them to lose interest because the name of the game for one-step lead generation is GET THE SALE.The free trial, free item, more information marketing doesn't have to give the cookies on the first visit. They can play it slowly and keep a sense of mystery through nurturing the prospects' interest repeatedly.But you must give the cookies if you want the sale!Don’t give them a chance to ponder because when they do, you lose your chance! We’ve all done it. Remember a time you were online window shopping, and you built your dream cart only to sit and ponder, “do I really want to miss a rent payment for these outfits?” BAM! Just like that, the app gets closed, and you move on.Don't let them move on.Be aggressive with details about the value you offer them that sets your product or services over the edge and present them with an offer they CAN'T refuse.ORYou can get in touch with me, and I'll do your free marketing analysis! Then we can see where we need to be more persuasive and informative!Contact me here!Talk soon,Gypsy-Storm.

Gypsy-Storm Davis June 18

How To Dramatically Boost Your Conversions With This Revolutionary Two Step Lead Generation Tool!

Aren’t you busy? Too busy to be stuck in the stone age of marketing where you manually do everything? Listen, I get it. AI is taking over, and no one really knows what that even means. It's intimidating trying to keep up! But what if I told you, you could save time, save on your marketing budget, and increase conversions with this one simple tool.Well, it’s two… and maybe a third. Depending on where you want to target your marketing. But nonetheless, one type of tool that many social media platforms have that simplifies your life.Let me explain:In the times before social media became so predominant, you would have to show your ad to thousands of people to find the group interested in your product. Then, if you wanted to retarget that group, you would only be able to do so by gaining their information for a list so you can send out some type of offer.Boring.Now-a-days, thanks to the Pixel, everything is automated. Imagine, you show your informational ad on Facebook, and a percentage of those viewers interact with it. Now, instead of asking for their email, we can use that data to create a target group. Wouldn't it make sense to show them the actual offer two or three times until their curiosity takes over?Ever feel like ads are following you? You clicked on that pizza deal last week when you didn't want to cook and now, in the middle of your favorite music video, BAM! It's pizza time? Retargeting works!Annoying? Sure, but who cares!Gone are the days of endless emailing lists.You will have a much better conversion rate showing your offer to the 5,000 prospects that raised their hand and said they’re interested, than showing 100,000 people the ad 10 times not knowing if they even care.THIS WILL SAVE YOU MONEY!Everyone’s favorite ad to run is a promoted post. Have you ever looked at the analytics of that post? There’s a section that tells you how much of the budget you spent, and it's always associated with how many views the ad has.50,000 views to interested prospects sounds a lot cheaper than taking a gamble on 1 million views from a mixture of people who might want it and might not!Now, I know what you’re thinking. Something that does all that is too complicated to set up!That's why you should get in touch with me so I can do your free marketing analysis and see if the Pixel is right for you!Contact me hereUntil next time,Gypsy-Storm.

Gypsy-Storm Davis June 22

One Quick Change To Fiercely Improve Your Effectiveness As A Business Owner.

It’s natural to think highly of yourself. We all do. As a business owner, why wouldn't you speak confidently about your product or service? Confidence sells! But what happens when the potential client doesn't care about all the bells and whistles that come with your brand?The customer doesn't really care about YOU.It's harsh, but it's true. Have you ever been shopping around, maybe clicked on an article (thank you), an offer pops up and you read it thinking “well, what's in it for me?”.Exactly!Every customer, immediately upon being asked to spend some of their time, wants to know what value they will get from reading the article, scrolling through the website, and most importantly, purchasing the offer.So… what can you change to improve your effectiveness as a business owner?The headline.It's the first thing any prospective customer will see and they’re universal! The ad, the website, the article, all need to capture the attention of the reader immediately or you’ve already lost the sale.What are you doing wrong?Be precise! Who are you selling to and what do they get out of buying from you? If you save homeowners time when you clean their pools, say that!Don't just hyperfocus on the fact you clean pools. Everyone can clean a pool! But not everyone is properly explaining what value they offer or what problem they solve by cleaning the pool.But YOU will.Narrow in on the pain factor and make your value proposition immediately.What sounds better? “I can do your marketing for you” or “More Growth. More Customers. Guaranteed”? One is a statement that may be true, but the other implies what value you will get from reading on. And that's the sweet spot we want to be in.Now, just because we want to address the problem so we can offer a solution, doesn't mean we should be on a headhunt.Don’t use passive aggression in your headlines! Research shows that people don't like to be offended and then asked to pay money for something in return. So, we won't do that.What should you do?Make your promise of value specific and get a basic understanding of human psychology. People are hurting these days, and your product or service is going to alleviate some of that pain. So, there's no shame in addressing that!Lastly, don’t use a word puzzle as your headline that is only solved by reading the entire article or website.Address the market you’re targeting, identify the problem, and let your reader know you have the solution. And then you need to deliver that solution.Or you can get in touch with me for your free marketing analysis where I can review your headlines to see where there’s room for improvement!Contact me hereMore to come,Gypsy-Storm.