More Growth. More Clients.

Marketing is important...

... but there are already 101 things on your to-do list.
And they are all important too!

So How Do You Optimize You Marketing?

Do everything yourself?

No problem if you have little to do.

But if you are already busy...

then this is not feasible.

New Staff?

Finding good people is difficult,
training is expensive.

Even if you find that perfect person... you're still dependent on one person!

Hire an agency?

No marketing budget of tens of thousands of dollars a month?

This means your account is managed by the intern of the assistant. Not good.

"Ok... So What Makes
You So Different?"


We only win if you win. That's the basis for a good partnership.

You won't carry all the risk, we'll share it.


Our first priority is to get you results.

Less talk, more walk.


We are not hidden away in an anonymous call center.

We work locally, so you know where to find us if you need us.


Jack of all trades... master of none. Specialization works.

That's why we work with industries we know, so we can guarantee results.

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4 Easy Steps To Getting More Clients Using Meta Ads.

Facebook and Instagram are the quickest and most cost-effective ways to attract the perfect clients for your business.In this free guide we tell you how to do exactly that. No jargon, no technical mumbo-jumbo, just an easy to follow step-by-step overview of exactly what to do.

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What's New?

Ever noticed your favorite influencer consistently using the same brands over and over?Influencer marketing brings in big bucks, but not every business has influencer marketing money to throw around.Lucky for you, the runner-up is already at your fingertips, and it won't cost you a dime.

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What's New?

Ever noticed your favorite influencer consistently using the same brands over and over?Influencer marketing brings in big bucks, but not every business has influencer marketing money to throw around.Lucky for you, the runner-up is already at your fingertips, and it won't cost you a dime.

There’s a sneaky culprit that might be turning your words into white noise. It’s the difference between holding attention and losing it? Intrigued? Dive in and see what’s been hiding in plain sight!

Want To Boost Sales? Start With This

Think showing up to a job interview in pajamas is bad? Try letting sloppy writing do the talking. Discover the common writing mistakes that might be turning your customers away and learn the secrets to keeping them hooked.

This Is The Hack To Rock Solid Writing You've Been Missing

Is your writing missing the mark?
You aren't alone. Here's one hack to take your writing from dull to dangerous. I also threw in a bonus tip just because I can!

More Marketing Tips And Tricks!

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One Quick Change To Fiercely Improve Your Effectiveness As A Business Owner.

It’s natural to think highly of yourself. We all do. As a business owner, why wouldn't you speak confidently about your product or service? Confidence sells! But what happens when the potential client doesn't care about all the bells and whistles that come with your brand?The customer doesn't really care about YOU.It's harsh, but it's true. Have you ever been shopping around, maybe clicked on an article (thank you), an offer pops up and you read it thinking “well, what's in it for me?”.Exactly!Every customer, immediately upon being asked to spend some of their time, wants to know what value they will get from reading the article, scrolling through the website, and most importantly, purchasing the offer.So… what can you change to improve your effectiveness as a business owner?The headline.It's the first thing any prospective customer will see and they’re universal! The ad, the website, the article, all need to capture the attention of the reader immediately or you’ve already lost the sale.

What Are You Doing Wrong?

Be precise! Who are you selling to and what do they get out of buying from you? If you save homeowners time when you clean their pools, say that!Don't just hyperfocus on the fact you clean pools. Everyone can clean a pool! But not everyone is properly explaining what value they offer or what problem they solve by cleaning the pool.But YOU will.Narrow in on the pain factor and make your value proposition immediately.What sounds better? “I can do your marketing for you” or “More Growth. More Customers. Guaranteed”? One is a statement that may be true, but the other implies what value you will get from reading on. And that's the sweet spot we want to be in.Now, just because we want to address the problem so we can offer a solution, doesn't mean we should be on a headhunt.Don’t use passive aggression in your headlines! Research shows that people don't like to be offended and then asked to pay money for something in return. So, we won't do that.

What should you do?

Make your promise of value specific and get a basic understanding of human psychology. People are hurting these days, and your product or service is going to alleviate some of that pain. So, there's no shame in addressing that!Lastly, don’t use a word puzzle as your headline that is only solved by reading the entire article or website.Address the market you’re targeting, identify the problem, and let your reader know you have the solution. And then you need to deliver that solution.Or you can get in touch with me for your free marketing analysis where I can review your headlines to see where there’s room for improvement!Contact me hereMore to come,Gypsy-Storm.

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3 Secrets To Exceptional Marketing.

There’s a lot of bad marketing out there and there’s a not so fine line between the good and the bad. Ever seen a company you don’t know shout their name at you in the ad? That’s bad. What about when the website talks about what the product does instead of what it does for you? I wouldn't recommend that.If you’re a business owner reading this and have done these, let’s not panic. I have the secret sauce to exceptional marketing guaranteed to provide amazing results.But first, we need to reprogram everything you think you know about marketing.Most of you are local or small business owners.When approaching marketing, it is common to mimic what you see large companies doing because if they’re popular, they must be getting the sales.Here’s the issue with that tactic: those large companies have a board of directors to appeal to, diversity requirements, an already established brand, and most importantly, millions of dollars for a marketing budget.But you don't.So how can you amplify your impact without selling a kidney?

  1. You need to identify your message. What are you going to say about the value your product or service brings to your customers and why should they listen to you?

    It needs to make an impact.

    The message can’t be boring because you have a limited amount of time before the customer could lose interest. Lastly, don’t just say you’re cheap. A customer who needs your product will pay for what they need so let's focus our attention there.

  2. You need to identify who you are selling to.

    Who commonly uses your product? Let’s talk to them.

    Sure, anyone can purchase from you, and we won't stop them.But if you sell something that a specific gender, niche, or geographical location benefits from the most, you will need to focus the marketing on them.

    Trust me, this will lead to better results and save you money in your budget because you won’t be selling to the entire world.

  3. You need to know how you are going to get this message out to them.

    Knowing who your target audience is allows you to research where these potential customers are.

    If you sell a product that middle aged women will benefit from the most, I recommend Meta ads because middle aged women are on Facebook more so than X.

Now, just because your target audience spends more time on one social media platform than the other, doesn't mean you only have to run ads on one.You can optimize your budget to run more campaigns on Meta and run a separate campaign on X to catch anyone in your target group there.Some last notes before I send you off into the world of marketing.Be powerful in your message and let the customer know how you can add value to their life. When reading over the document before posting it, remember WIIFM.What’s In It For Me?If you were reading your ad, would you know the answer? Or would you only know the brand name and what the product does.Need any help?Contact me here for your free marketing analysis!Chat soon friends,Gypsy-Storm

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Lethal Marketing Messages That Cut Through Clutter.

I know this will flare up some lower back pain for my fellow non-gen z’s but, does anyone remember mall food courts during the holidays?How peaceful that was. Babies crying, teen groups forming cults, and the random public break up happening in the middle of a crowded mall.You couldn’t pick out any distinct words in the chaos back then but, one thing always had the ability to pierce through the noise.Your name.You look up when you hear it because it’s programmed into your brain to recognize it.How many marketing messages do you encounter every day? I’ll wait for your calculator app to load.Too many. And they bombard you like the “where’s my hug” guy from high school.If you had to fight for marketing attention like President Biden fights gravity, how would you make the message call out your name?

Be The Guy Who Wore Black To An All-White Party.

You need to stand out.Let’s be honest, most business owners reading this know their trade, that’s why they’re in business. But not everyone knows marketing.The instinct is to copy what someone else is doing in the hopes you’ll get their results.You know when one friend decides that climate change is yada yada yada, and then suddenly, other friends in the group agree that climate change, in fact, is blah blah blah.There’s the clutter.If every ad said, “We’re cheap, buy from us”, well… the audience would know everyone is cheap. But they won’t know who is selling the solution to their problem.Lethal marketing needs to cut through the blah blah blah.Sharpen those swords, we have some cutting to do. (For legal reasons, that was a joke.)

People care about themselves.

The chances of a client becoming a brand affiliate, who puts your name on their Hyundai palisade because they love you, are very slim.So, we might as well sell to their needs.If you’re a chiropractor, don't be one of many who talks about the practice in their marketing. You’re not here to end world hunger one C-3 vertebrae at a time.Talk to the customer about their problem and let them know you understand. You crack backs, they need their back cracked. Keep it simple and concise.Inserts that one Leonardo DiCaprio GIF where he sits up and points at the TV while whistling.You need to make your audience sit up in their seats.Then, offer a solution. If you offer to solve their problem, they’ll see more value in buying than if you talk about yourself.

Have you ever had dragon fruit? Bland. Don’t be a dragon fruit.

You need to be interesting.Not too many people get far reinventing the wheel but don’t shy away from shining it up a bit. Stating how many years you have been in business could hurt you more than expressing the problems you have resolved in those years.My grandpa has been around for 77 years. But if in the last 4 he became a millionaire… who cares about the other 73?People will choose resolution over experience.

You’re Gonna Have To Leave Someone Out, Friend.

You can’t sell to the entire world. That’s an expensive failure and most don’t have Nike money.I know it will feel like having a group chat and having another group chat to talk about that one annoying person who’s in the other group chat, but If you sell to everyone, you sell to no one.This will help them relate to what you’re saying.You will need clear, concise, and interesting messages to make the audience feel targeted over all the clutter.And in case you missed it, you also need a sword.Now, if you don’t know where to start, don’t panic. Contact me here for your free marketing analysis so we can talk about your message, target audience, and even compare “where’s my hug” guy stories. (Sword not included.)Much love,Gypsy-Storm.

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Don’t Post Another Ad Without Checking For This Mistake.

Raise your hand if you’ve had to repeat seemingly simple instructions.I’ll wait.Lucky for you, I’m not here to talk about the leading cause for arguments in relationships.Let’s talk about your marketing. More importantly, why you may be confusing your audience without even knowing it.Now I know it feels like some people have common sense chasing them and they’re always faster.But you don’t market for your own understanding, and making this simple mistake in your message may be costing you clients.Let’s dig in.

Don’t Panic, But This Is On The Creator. You.

Accountability hurts sometimes.But I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t think it would help.You control the message. Studies have shown that people don't handle multitasking well. If you try to make every piece of the marketing strategy do every job, well, it won’t do the job at all.We’ll call this phenomenon the ‘Mental Marketing Multitask’. Got a ring to it. MMM.You’re asking for too much.How can you stop the all-in-one messages and keep it simple?

Focus, Young Grasshopper.

Every step of your marketing strategy has a goal. Zero in on it.Make the instructions and goals for whatever part of your marketing you’re working on clear.What’s the ad for? Are you looking for leads? Sales? Mail-order-bride?Aim for that and that only. If your goal is an initial sale, the only options for the audience to choose from should be a big ‘buy here’ button. Choices are easy when they only have one.If you aren’t aiming for an initial sale, and you know you will have multiple contacts with your prospective clients, we have objectives for that as well and each step of this process will have its own.

Let’s Break It Down Like An Old School Jam.

The ad is where it all begins. Let’s say you want leads. We will give them one option. A call to action.Whether you give them a free something in exchange for that email address, that’s your business, but that is the only option that needs to be on the ad.When you get the leads, now it's time to get the sales call.We won't talk about retargeting here. I’m trying to keep it simple. For an in-depth conversation about that route, contact me here.Whatever you do with that email list should have the goal of the sales call in mind.During the sales call, now it’s time to focus on the sale. I love a good chit-chat as much as the next person, but we are here to sell.Now, they’re a customer!I know once they become a customer, you may think the job is done but there are still some objectives you can pivot to.Follow up for enhanced customer satisfaction and you can even get referrals to start the process all over again on a new prospective client.However you choose to go about your marketing strategy, keep it simple.Your audience will thank you with sales for not making them pass the quantum physics of instructions you may not know you’re providing.So easy a caveman can do it, right? (I stole that).You can always get in touch with me for your free marketing analysis and we can talk simplicity but effectiveness in your marketing strategy.

Someone has to remember that GEICO commercial,

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This Best Kept Secret In Marketing Might Surprise You.

There’s a marketing dilemma. Think about the last five ads you’ve seen today. If you're having a hard time remembering specific ads, that’s the dilemma.It’s clear that the number of ads you see in a day feels unquantifiable.It’s like being surrounded by 15 kids who say, “mommy watch this”, all at the same time, and then do the weirdest thing for attention.If ads are all asking for attention the same way, it creates messages that fade right into the background noise.

Are You Making This Common Mistake?

There’s nothing more detrimental in marketing than poorly targeted ads. It’s a waste of time and money and can cost you connections with potential customers.Most ads love to tell you what their product or service is. What it does.If you see 6-7 marketing messages explaining what a power washing company does, it will look like an oversaturated mess of power washing educational ads.That’s another excuse for poor marketing performance; oversaturation.It may feel like the marketing world is oversaturated and that's why ads underperform, but the best kept marketing secret is that oversaturation is a tool.

Leverage The Saturated Market.

How do successful ads leverage the market?They offer real solutions that resonate with their audience. They offer to solve a problem.When ads focus on the product or service as opposed to what solution it offers, the messages become annoying and irrelevant.Don’t fall into the trap of the never-ending cycle of excessive product explanation.Effective marketing respects the audience's time and offers value.The reason oversaturation is your best tool is because it will give you an edge to stand out with over the product explanation gurus.If thousands of people who sell socks are boasting about the material, and you take the stance of the socks relieving ankle pain, my friend, you’ve won.Don’t join the club of the owners who cry about oversaturation. Leverage it.

The Winning Marketing Strategy.

When selling the need, you first need to hit ‘em where it hurts. (For legal reasons, that was figuratively speaking only.)Identify the problem and don't be afraid to agitate it a little.Back to the socks.If the problem you are solving is ankle pain, you could agitate the problem with, “wouldn’t it be nice to run around with the kids again?”.That question hurts, and that’s the point.A salted wound will eventually need to be rinsed.Which is why you will sell the solution. Be as concise and specific as possible to resonate with your target audience.The need is an evergreen product, it’s always in season.And that fact is exactly how you’re going to stand out and win the marketing race.Do you know how to get started?It’s okay if it feels like you must reprogram everything you know about marketing. If you find yourself overwhelmed, get in touch with me here for your free marketing analysis and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours!Until next time,Gypsy-Storm

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Stop Throwing Money In The Trash Advertising Like This.

Most of you business owners are not using a social media manager. The DIY method is both cost effective and reliable.Social media undoubtedly has become the most efficient way to reach a target audience.The budget it could take to reach the massive following that meta has to offer, without using social media, would be more expensive than putting your wallet through a shredder.Social media is also convenient.You’re already on these platforms. No need to juggle multiple advertisement accounts with a ton of marketing agencies. Many apps let you sign into multiple profiles on one phone.Regardless of what platform is your weakness, you’ve all seen this convenient option to increase your posts engagement.You’re about to learn why that option is a waste of money.

What Boosting A Post Really Is And Why It’s Working Against You.

It’s not personal beef I promise.Boosting a post is an option but you’re going to be throwing a lot of hard-earned money in the trash with minimal return on investment.Boosting increases your visibility to a limited target audience which sounds great, but here's where it falls short:

  • You can’t post in formats outside of the standard post types.

  • You can’t go back in after some testing and change up the headline, graphic or body message.

  • You can’t track analytics and conversion events.

  • You are confined to the platform you boosted it on.

Imagine spending a boat load of money to increase your awareness and all you get is a super charged, regular social media post, and a list of things you can’t do.The phrase “working with one hand tied behind my back” comes to mind here and Meta has the scissors to cut the rope.

Get The Full Benefits Of Marketing On Meta.

Meta provided an all-inclusive tool to optimize your marketing budget.The meta ad tool in your business suite is comprehensive, and allows you to reach multiple target audiences based on how they use social media.And you aren't confined to just Facebook.If a group of people are known to interact with giveaway posts where they tag friends, and you set your objective to engagements, the meta ad tool has a way to target them all the way over on Instagram.You won't be throwing money in the trash; you’ll be stretching it.One of the differences between boosting a post and the meta ad tool is you get to set a daily, weekly, or monthly budget and you can see exactly how it’s being spent.

How Much Is Too Much?

Cliche incoming, you must spend money to make money.Meta ad tool is not a bypass of that rule of business. But it’s where and how you spend the money that matters the most.Just like your ‘for you’ page, let the math, math. There’s always an algorithm.You will need to invest and give the algorithm time to kick in to optimize where your money is being spent.After that, you’ll never want to boost another post again.There’s always some adjustments and testing that need to be done to make this benefit your business the most. Get in touch for your free marketing analysis to see what we can do for you.Until next time friends,Gypsy-Storm.

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You Should Always Be Thinking About New Ads

“Hey, what’s new with you!?”A common greeting when you haven’t seen someone in a while.Notice that we don’t ask:“Hey, what’s old?”or“Hey, tell me what I already know”.We ask what’s NEW. Because ‘NEW’ is exciting! And that’s exactly why you as a business owner can never rest on our past achievements.

Ad Fatigue Is It’s Own Pandemic

Social media has a ton of benefits. Easy access to your target market, great potential to go viral, and it’s never been easier to get in front of the perfect audience for our business.But……there are downsides.First, attention span. We all know the TikTok brain phenomenon that’s going on in real time. Kids unable to watch movies, concentrate on homework, or even watch a video that’s more than 90 seconds.How does that affect you? All of your clients have reduced attention span. Not because they want to. Because they NEED to.How else are they going to battle the brigade of ads 24/7/365? It’s impossible!How can you fix this?Don’t worry, no TikTok trends required.There’s a better way.

Keep Your Prospect Intrigued

The solution to TikTok brain is not to just turn all of your content into easily digestible chunks of 60 seconds or less.The solution is to offer your audience a LOT of different content.Don’t give them 1 video. Give them 10.
Don’t give them 1 article. Give them 100.
Don’t give them 1 tweet. Give them 1000.
If an audience is really interested in your stuff they’ll do their own research. But there has to be some sort of depth to it.They’ll go through your materials. They might even steal some.But it’s up to you to give them a buffet of options. Not just the appetizer.So if you’re running 1 ad now? Time to do at least 3 different ones.If you have 1 video for them to see in your ad campaign? Time to do 5-10 other ones.Now go out there and be fruitful. With your content, obviously. Or be fruitful in other ways as well. Whatever works for you, I’m sure you’re a responsible adult.Talk soon,Gypsy-StormP.S. If you want to know how I would fix the ad fatigue problem in your business, feel free to get in touch here for your free marketing analysis and I will get back to you within 24 hours. Guaranteed.

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If Business Is The Game, How Will You Keep Score?

Money and status are directly correlated. The assumption that money won’t make you happy was clearly made by people who have none.Or never learned how to make any.How you’re treated, how you can care for your family, and how you’re remembered can dramatically change with increasing your income, reaching for wealth.Can your business’ revenue take you there?In the next 3 minutes, you’ll learn the key to making your business elevate your status.

Scaling Your Business Means Taking You Out Of The Business.

The company would be nothing if you hadn’t started it, but it doesn't need you on the frontlines; you’re needed in the command center.If you want your company to generate more status and wealth, your focus should be scaling.A business is only a business if you can take it from $0 in revenue a month to $20,000 and beyond. You won’t get there being the guy laying the roof.Look at Elon Musk.He isn’t at SpaceX with a hammer and a welding torch creating the next rocket. He built companies making him the richest man in the world, and he did it all by putting the people with the hammers and welding torches in their position.He found the people who know quantum mechanics and handed off their goals to them, then let them do their job.Elon Musk is a strategic planner. A CEO.And you are too.The most important person in your arsenal is going to be your project manager.You are going to build teams, systems, and vision.Then it’s your job to step out of the business and hand it off to your project manager. They will hand out the task and report the data while you continue planning and scaling.With your hands on less of the daily tasks, you can network and build relationships on behalf of your company. This will be how you generate wealth and increase your status as a result.Ted Turner once said, “Life is a game. Money is how we keep score”.My challenge to you is to think; if business is a game, how will you keep score?

Reputations Are Your Score Keeper.

Businesses doing the best are making the most money. But money alone isn’t your score keeper.Money will open doors and break down barriers, it’s true.But what you do with that money will separate you from those who have tons of money and have done nothing.Have you ever seen a lazy person with money? Do they keep it for long?Lottery winners die poor, and no one remembers them. The actions you take with money will be the impression you leave behind.Without scaling your company, will you be able to:

  1. Donate to the needy?

  2. Take care of your family?

  3. Buy that dream car?

If the answer is no, are you satisfied with the impression you are leaving?Take yourself out of the business's daily tasks. It’s the only way you can grow it.The first step in scaling is increasing your clientele. Get in touch with me here for your free marketing analysis so we can talk about growth.Talk later,Gypsy-Storm.

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How To Write An Ad That Gets You Clients (pt.1)

Most ads suck at getting clients.Some ads are funny. Most are some cinematic masterpieces with CGI, AI, and a famous actor.But if they don’t get clients… who cares?I’m going to take you through how to create an ad that actually sells products and gets you clients.Let’s gooooo!

Please Don’t Do This When Making An Ad

Let’s get the basic principles out of the way.If I was trying to convince you to buy something should I:

  1. Dress up like Ronald McDonald and make balloon animals.

  2. Bring a herd of cute Munchkin Cats with me to the sale.

  3. Play the latest TikTok trending songs with AI generated visuals.

  4. Be vague and mysterious and not really tell you what I’m selling.

  5. None of the above.

If you’ve answered e. None of the above, we’re off to a great start.Because that’s exactly what you shouldn’t do to get someone to buy something.

The First Step To Writing A Winning Ad

What do you do instead?Think of your ad as a salesman. Or saleswoman. Because that matters.Let’s say you spot a potential customer for your product or service and decide to send a salesman over… What would you want him to say? What would he ask? What arguments would he use to get them to buy from you?Say you’re selling chiropractic care.First thing you’d do is ask a simple question: ‘Who is a good customer for this?’.Let’s say you decide that ‘someone with back pain’ is a good fit.Now you send out your hypothetical salesman to this hypothetical potential client. What does he say?How about……<drumroll>...“Hi, does your back hurt?”

Beating The Blank Page Problem When You’re Writing Winning Ads

When you start writing anything it’s always daunting to be faced with that blank page. A white sheet of paper staring you right in the face, challenging you to fill it with something useful.That’s why you keep things simple and ask the potential customer if they’re your potential customer. Here’s some examples:“Are you a business owner and would like to attract more clients?”
“Does your back hurt?”
“Are you looking to lose weight in the next few weeks?”
“Would you like to improve your golf swing?”
“Would you like to easily attract women?”
Start off simple because simple works. It goes right to the problem. Which is what you’re trying to do.You’re trying to cut through the clutter and beat out the noise of all the other advertisers. So take a straight line approach. Straight for the jugular.This is a great start for your winning ad. In part 2 we’re going to knock this out of the park!Talk soon,Gypsy-Storm

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The Part Of The Ad That Gets You Clients: Crafting an RSO (pt.2)

First things first: If you haven’t checked out this article about How To Write An Ad That Gets You Clients (pt.1), you probably want to start there. It’s worth it, trust me.Do you have the key to the best thing you can do for your business in marketing?Craft a RSO.A Rock Solid Offer.Let’s do this!

The Deadliest Mistake When Crafting An Offer

If you were to run a marketing agency and start advertising to attract new clients, what would it look like?Most business owners come up with something like:‘Call us today for competitive pricing’orInsert how many years they’ve been in businessor‘We can handle your ads for you and have done this for 100+ other customers’Don’t lie, you’ve seen these examples.Here’s the major problem with it:ZZZZZZZ... Snooze fest.Doesn’t even register that you’ve said anything when your ideal client scans through headlines.Why?Because the competition says the exact same thing.

The First Component

When you say ‘don’t be boring’ to someone in regards to their marketing, the can of extravagant worms you open is unbelievable.Lasers, bells, whistles, confetti, and blow torches just in case.That’s not what I mean. EVER.Oil changes are very boring. But if my car is telling me that it’s about that time? Oh, it has my interest now!I start looking for oil changes and what do I see?‘Changing your oil is good for the engine’ - No duh.
‘$150 oil change. Book here’ - What kind of oil is in this thing?
‘Protect your engine, change your oil today’ - But if I’m busy today, will my engine still be protected?
All of that stuff doesn’t cut it. Because it doesn’t reach out to me in my world as the customer.Facts are cool and all but you know what my main question is about this oil change?“How long is this going to take?”.So if you want to make it interesting for me, you come up with something like:‘Book your 15 minute oil change online.’ 👀That’s a great start for an offer. It’s not an RSO yet, but at least we’re getting there.You don’t fix ‘the boring problem’ by being over the top.You fix ‘the boring problem’ by thinking about what this means for the customer.That’s only one element though. A great RSO usually has three, so we still have two more to go.We’ll talk about those in the next article in this series.Talk later,Gypsy-StormP.S. Want to see a solid RSO example?Get in touch now for your free marketing analysis and I will personally reach out to you with an overview of your current marketing situation. If the shoe fits and you’d like us to manage your marketing accounts, great! If not? No hard feelings, no salesy pressure, and for the love of all things great in this world, no calls about your car's extended warranty.Sounds good? Contact Us.

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This Mistake Will Destroy A Business. Guaranteed.

Starting a business is terrifying.Most of the time when you hear a small business owner say “we”, we’re actually talking about a team of 1.Which is a great starting point…… unless you’re lazy.Regardless of the thousands of ways someone can crumble their business, one overlooked method takes the cake in being a guaranteed epic fail.

Makeup, Houses, and Business Have Something In Common.

Sounds odd but these topics overlap.Quick makeup lesson, you don’t even have to be pretty to wear a beautiful makeup look.The foundation a woman buys makes the face a blank slate. Like scraping off an old painting from a canvas and building a new picture.If you’re ugly, a great full coverage foundation is your key to catfishing. 😉When contracting a house to be built, they start with the metal framework to support the concrete that supports the entire house.In business there is also a foundation and as you scale, it becomes less and less on you to hold the company up.The people you put in positions have the strenuous task of generating forward movement.What happens if you build your foundation on one person?The worst number in business is 1.It leaves you vulnerable.

Whatever Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong.

Expect that at any moment, you can be attacked by life, finances, or your ex.If you’re reliant on a singular central point, for anything, you’re done for.I won’t list them all, but assume that any area of your business should have a back up plan.If you don’t cross train and your one sales rep does a throwback Thursday and catches COVID, who is making the sales?Does everyone just stay home for a week?You’re crippling yourself more than the vaccine.Have Larry from the mailroom trained to 50% confidence in sales, I DON’T KNOW.But 1.5 sounds a lot better than 1.Imagine the same situation but with your finances. Hello, IRS.Don’t get caught being the reason your business crumbles, do this instead.

Be The Strategic Planner Your Business Needs.

Strategizing has many faces and a contingency plan is one of them.This is your failsafe if anything were to try to knock your business off its foundation.Plan for as many attacks you can think of and then plan for more.Limited staff? Cross train them. One way of generating leads, now’s when you add 2-3 more.A business is money in, always have that backup in place to continue the cash flow. This applies to everything. Except your significant other. 10 out of 10 do not recommend, and if you tell them I told you to find their replacement, I’ll force you to take another untested vaccine.Until next time,Gypsy-Storm.P.S. Want to know what we can do for your business? Get in touch here for your free marketing analysis so we can talk about beating your current conversions. Guaranteed.

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If You Want To Grow Your Business, Make This A Habit (pt.1)

It takes about 18 days of consistency to build a habit.I’m sure if I offered you an increase in your company’s revenue, we could speed up that time frame.Money is always a good motivator, that's why it's common to see small business owners copy the businesses bringing in millions in profit.Directly copying the marketing strategies of the elite’s is a costly goal with little return on investment.What if I told you about a habit you can copy from millionaire entrepreneurs to level up your business and it won’t cost you a penny.

Why Is Copying Big Business So Appealing?

Let’s be honest, most people are looking for that magic button to push and instantly get what they want.Anyone active on X who follows celebrities, millionaires, or even billionaires have probably seen the beggars.You know, the people in the comments that believe that Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, and Kim Kardashian have way too much money for themselves, so why not give a few lucky followers the ‘get out of poverty’ treatment?Copying big business’ marketing or branding is a lot like X beggars in that you’re looking for the proven results that they have with less effort it took to get there.No shame in the copycat game but there is one slight problem……Most small businesses are doing their own marketing and branding because they don’t have a small fortune like Nike or Coca Cola.So, what can you take away from the elites who made it big without robbing a bank to fund it?The “Brain-On” method.A mindset is free. Many successful businessmen, or businesswomen…Businesspeople? Whatever, share their secrets to how they leveled up on the competition but only a fraction of people act on it.I did the hard research for you and found the most cost-effective habit you can adapt to, to ensure you are always focusing on a bigger and better business like the elites.

What Does It Mean To Have Your Brain On?

As you go on about your day, you should have your brain on business. In the coffee shop, don’t just look at the menu and order. Look at the surroundings, look at their pricing, what else are they offering besides coffee?When you get your coffee, do they try to upsell you? How did they get you to come in and most importantly, how would you make this business better?You need to change your mindset towards your daily task to automatically break down the ins and outs for everything that makes money.This works for EVERYTHING.

BuT HoW WiLl ThIs MaKE Me RIcH?

There’s something your competition has that you don’t. The customers at their business that aren’t at yours.There are hungry markets out there. Knowing what your competitors are doing is only half of it.Being able to spot the pros, cons, and opportunities in their strategies because your brain has been programmed to be on business 24/7/365, gives you that edge over just copying big businesses with one arm tied behind your back.This method will come in handy for scaling or expanding your business portfolio too.Remember when I said the worst number in business was the number 1? If not, I highly recommend you check out This Mistake Will Destroy A Business. Guaranteed.Get your small business up and running and then always be on the lookout for your next business opportunity. You should never rely on one of ANYTHING let alone one stream of income.No millionaire stayed a millionaire from only one business.I know that starting one business was scary enough. Keep an eye out for part 2 of this series when I ease some of that fear by taking away some of the craziest misconceptions about starting a business.Until next time,Gypsy-Storm

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Thinking Of Starting A Business? Ignore These Misconceptions (pt.2)

As promised we are continuing our series so if you haven’t checked out part 1, you should! You Want To Grow Your Business, Make This A Habit (pt.1) . It’s filled with key business mentality advice.Everyday, between the hours of midnight and 3am, a large amount of quick business plans are drawn up.Most of these ideas never leave the planning stage. Some never leave the ideas stage.Why?Because after a quick bout of modern day slavery, it’s easy to dream up a million dollar company because all the major businesses are getting the revenue you want.Here’s the problem with that, the ramen noodle budget reality sinks in, and the business idea dies.So what are some misconceptions you can shed before mentally spending millions before you've made your first dollar?

Dreaming Big Isn’t The Problem.

I don’t want you to confuse this tragic business thought process with the expectations of dreaming big for your business.You should always be thinking about scaling in business.The misconception is that it takes millions of dollars to start a business.People scare themselves into thinking this way, but one moment of doubt after you mentally spent a few bitcoins in funds, and there’s nothing stopping you from closing up shop.Imagine if you did have the funds.You had a terrible day, and you decide now’s the time for action on your T-shirt business idea. Should you:

  1. Rent an office location, purchase 100 units of each size shirt, S - XXXL, acquire high quality printing materials, create a large website with all the bells and whistles, and spend anywhere from $2,000-$5,000 on branding and marketing?


  2. Buy a domain from Namecheap for $10/ year, use a website builder to create a stable website, create mockups of the t-shirts to post as available, and drop a couple hundred on marketing?

Plot twist, “a” is not the correct answer.

You Can Launch A Business With Next To Nothing.

Luxuries are a reward, you must earn them.Think about it… What's the bare minimum you need for most startups?A computer, internet, and critical thinking skills.It’s not scamming people to start the goods service without goods. It’s scamming if you never deliver the goods. (Disclaimer, I don’t condone scamming. It’s unbecoming)Sites like Printify, Alibaba, and any other whole seller makes it easy to not scam people.If you build the site you can see what will actually sell. Make the sale then take the money over to a relative supplier and fulfill the order.Boom! I saved you a Bugatti in business costs.Also, what if your business idea sucks?Would you rather be out a few hundred bucks or have a living room full of assets from a failed business that you can't resell on Facebook marketplace?Most startups don’t make it a year. If you ditch the common misconceptions about starting businesses, you can get ahead of the statistical curve and start well over 10 businesses for the amount you were trying to spend on one.If a few of them fail miserably, the chances you have a winner in there are greatly increased. And even better, you’ll lose a lot less in start-up costs.Keep it simple, teamGypsy-StormP.S. Remember those few hundred bucks for a marketing budget? You may think that isn't enough but with the right targeting, you can get some good traction! Want to see what we can do for you? Get in touch with me here for your free marketing analysis, and I’ll reach out to you within 24 hours!

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3 Letters That Lead To Endless Sales

With no risk there’s no reward. Ever heard that saying before? I think it’s supposed to ease the mind when what you want has a price you’re not willing to pay.The price might not even be money but for the sake of this article, it is.With inflation and a recession on the rise, your potential customer has every right to hesitate when it comes to making a purchase to weigh the risks.So, what's a rock solid way to show your audience what’s in it for them, while making sure there's something in it for you too?That’d be a CTA. Call to action. And for the next 3 minutes, I’m going to blow your mind with how many different ways you’ve already seen it implemented, and how you can do it too.

Sephora, Sam’s Club, And The Chinese Restaurant At The Mall Have The Same CTA.

You might not be familiar with Sephora but as an overview, it’s a beauty store where It's common to sell a kidney for a bottle of moisturizer.Kidney’s arent cheap. So how do they get the potential customer on board with the surgery?Hello, free samples.As a prior employee, we hated these requests. But they were effective.Give a small enough sample to make the customer fall in love with the product and they are back before you know it with daddy’s debit card.Sam’s club gets you the same way. Quicker turnover too.Not to sound horizontally challenged, but there is no good reason to fight the crowds on a weekend at Sam’s Club……Except for the free samples.Every 15 feet stands a kind old lady with a bite sized trial of the latest product they’re pushing and given the size of the lines waiting for the airfryer to finish, I’d say it’s effective.The Chinese restaurant at the mall too.It’s a toothpick haven of bourbon chicken samples that sends customers right to the line to pick two meats and a side.I know you've interacted with at least one, maybe even all of these CTA’s.So how do we make interactions with your company as memorable as these?

Build The Funnel.

Regardless of your trade, there’s always something painless to offer to funnel in the potential clients.Do you have a business that people often try to DIY?“Download my free guide to blah blah blah.”Now, I know that sounds like we are making you the professor and giving everyone free tutoring, but hear me out…People are lazy.There are thousands of ways to look up how to do just about anything but most people won’t. So downloading the guide won’t steal business from you. But it will prove your expertise.Do you have a service business?“Book your free consultation today.”The opportunities for CTA application are there, you just have to find them.Remember when I said there’d be something in this for you as well?Sales are great but I was referring to the endless possibilities of leads.

The Email List.

Most funnels are built for online success and there’s always a few requirements needed to get a taste test of the services offered.The email is crucial.
Your emailing list is how you’re going to sway the folks who need more time to decide to take action.
This is where you nurture the sale.Articles, tips and tricks, recipes, and newsletters keep them reminded that they still had a problem which caused them to shop around.And you’re the best option to solve it.Chat soon,Gypsy-Storm.P.S. Want to see a great example of a CTA? Get in touch with me here for your free marketing analysis! I will personally review your current marketing setup and contact you within 24 hours to see how we can implement CTA for you.

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The Secret To The Ads That Just Keep Coming Back

Have you ever got the feeling that there’s an FBI agent on your computer?Since I know he’s watching me……me either. 👀But that’s who I thought was responsible for ads following me across multiple platforms because I said the word pizza out loud.Realistically I saw an ad for pizza and pondered if I really needed it for too long and now I have a tomato based stalker.Did you know that’s all intentional? We call that ‘retargeting’ and it’s your best offensive move to closing sales.But why is it so effective?

Every Potential Customer Is On A Journey.

Which sounds corny but there's a process that comes to buying from the perspective of the customer:

Ideally, you want to get in their view at stage 3.Early in their research and definitely before they start looking into other suppliers of the same solution to their needs.Then they are most likely buying on price.NEVER argue on price.We have a better way of making sure you stay a candidate for the solution to the customer’s problem and this way also solves one major issue affecting most audiences.

People Have The Attention Span Of Dory From Finding Nemo.

Actually I think she had a memory issue but you get the point.It’s hard to get AND keep people’s attention these days now they have all fallen victim to the “Tik-Tok brain”.They start looking something up, their kid does an uno reverso of their lunch all over themselves and there goes your sale opportunity.The main reason retargeting is so effective is because your ads won’t just be one and done.Some people simply need time to make the decision, which is fine because retargeting will nurture the sale like they’re on your email list until they remember they still have a problem that isn't solved.But instead of sending them your free newsletter, after their next reel, there you are with the solution to their problem.That is, if you’re advertising on Meta of course.Speaking of Meta-ads. Think you are ready to advertise on Meta but still not sure how this works? Download my free guide to Meta-ads! I took out all the technical mumbo-jumbo so you don’t have to.Until next time,Gypsy-StormP.S. If you know you want to start advertising on Meta and aren’t into DIY, get in touch with me here for your free marketing analysis to see what we can do for you!

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Want To Boost Sales? Start With This

Ever wondered if bad writing could be the silent killer of your sales? Spoiler alert: it can.If your writing isn’t on point, you're setting yourself up for failure.Think of it like showing up to a job interview in pajamas… Instant bad impression.So, let’s explore some common writing mistakes that could be scaring away your customers and more importantly, how to fix them.

Avoid These Common Hiccups.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you realize the importance of spell check. That’s an instant hard stop.One of the most common killers in writing is overloading your content with technical jargon. It’s not necessary to write a peer reviewed medical journal for a simple health tip. You’re going to lose your audience. Fast.Boring equals bad. So here is where we stop the long-winded descriptions as well.I get it, it’s easy to go full on nerd when you’re passionate about your craft, but here me out……they just want their problem solved.No one enjoys reading what feels like a 3am infomercial. You must get to the point and keep it engaging. Every potential customer needs quick, easy to digest information, not a long-drawn-out sales pitch.Blame TikTok for TikTok brain but it’s here and it’s real. Simplicity is the only cure.Now, this isn’t a targeted attack. Most writing is bad writing, but the great news is that all bad writing can be fixed.

So, How Do You Keep Your Readers Interested?

Let’s start by using everyday language. Talk to your readers like you would explain something to a friend. Omit any swear words of course.We want the content to be relatable and understandable, not discouraging.Feel free to add a bit of personality, though. A touch of humor or interesting examples can go a long way in keeping your readers hooked.Remember, you’re writing for real people.Lastly, avoid overwhelming your readers. If you keep it simple and concise, your audience will appreciate clarity.Good writing takes time and effort, but it’s worth it to keep your audience engaged. Remember when I said this is commonly detrimental? There’s more depth to this issue, so stick around for part two where we’ll dive deeper into writing mastery and how it can boost your sales.See you next time,Gypsy-Storm.P.S. Did you know writing is marketing? If you don’t have the time to improve your writing, that’s understandable. Get in touch with me for your free marketing analysis so we can see if outsourcing some of that writing will improve your current situation.

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This Is The Hack To Rock Solid Writing You’ve Been Missing

Last time we looked at the most common mistakes in writing. If you think you might be making some, I suggest you start with part 1: Is Your Writing Style Costing You Sales?Poor writing can silently sabotage your sales and leaves your readers more confused than a chameleon on a pile of skittles.If you feel like your writing is missing the mark, you aren’t alone.This time around I’m going to share two simple but effective hacks to weaponize your writing and transform your content from dull to dangerous.Let’s dig in!

The Easiest Way To Lose Your Readers Interest:

I hate to break it to all my AI lovers, but if you’ve ever used ChatGPT to build your content, pay close attention.People don’t enjoy being talked at. It makes them feel stupid. Detached.One of the easiest ways to lose your audience is to sucker punch them with an overly robotic and formal narrative full of things real people don’t say.I’m actually going to ask ChatGPT to give me a paragraph for this section to explain where I’m going here.For reference, I’m asking it to: “write me a paragraph for my weekly blog about the importance of good writing to increase your sales. This section is about examples of overly robotic and formal writing causing readers to lose interest”...… The response…“Effective writing is essential for enhancing sales, as overly robotic or formal language can alienate potential customers. A product description that reads like a dry manual may convey information but lacks the emotional resonance needed to engage readers. By adopting a more conversational and evocative tone, you can forge connections that transform casual browsers into eager buyers.”Team, no one talks like that. NO ONE. To be honest, I didn’t even read it. I went to sleep.We’re writing for real humans. So how do we break away from the downfall of boring, unattached writing?The resolution is simple but hear me out, it is crucial for keeping your audience on the page.

The Quickest Way To Fix Your Content:

There’s no better way to highlight the clunky and awkward phrasing of a sentence than reading your work out loud.When you add narration to your text, you can identify where it's smooth like chunky peanut butter.It’s the ultimate test for flow and coherence. It also adds a good rhythm to your writing.You’re putting yourself in the readers’ shoes which is how you make sales.Getting excited about your product is great until you read it back and realize you just made them sit through a lecture about the importance of pressure washing and how long you’ve been in business.Zzzzzzz, boring.Have a conversation with them.Which leads me into the final tip to nail down your writing skills:

Long Winded Is Never The Answer.

As you’re reading out loud, if you find yourself gasping for breath halfway through a paragraph, it’s probably time to break it up.This isn't an endurance test.Have you ever been in conversation with someone, and they broke into a “story time” that never ended?Those long-formed paragraphs: same deal. No one wants to read through that. Overwhelming your readers causes the eyes to glaze over and can obscure your message.Consider that sale gone.Keep your content in easily digestible sentences and remember to read it out loud and you are sure to see the improvements in the effectiveness of your writing.Now this isn’t going to be an overnight success story. Good writing takes practice. Give yourself grace and always find more reasons to write. Do you have a blog on your business’ website? If not, start one.It’s a great way to increase SEO and enhance your skills.Talk soon,Gypsy-Storm.P.S. I know if I was already weighed down by running my business and someone told me to become a better writer, I’d be kinda heated. No worries, get in touch with me for your free marketing analysis to see what I can do for you. If we are a match, great! Let me take some of those writing pains away. If not, it’s all good.Sounds like a plan?Contact me here!

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The Final Step to Un-Boring Your Content

Ever been trapped in a dull conversation and started mentally planning your grocery list?Painful, right?Imagine your readers feeling the same about your content.In Part One and Part Two of our series, we dug into common writing mistakes and the power behind reading your writing out loud.Now, let’s tackle the biggest writing tragedy that could lose your audience’s attention: waffling.Sounds funny, but once I point it out, you’ll never look at writing the same way again.

Ready For A Wake-up Call?

When you stuff in extra words and content that don’t push the story forward, that’s waffling.If your readers are zoning out, your story might already be too long.Take a look at these examples:“During my vacation to the mountains, surrounded by nature and wildlife, I reflected on my life, career, and productivity.”Yikes. What about this one?“Hey, I’m just reaching out and I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but can we set up a meeting to discuss a business idea?”… And the classic…“I hope this email finds you well.”Plot twist, it didn’t. It never does.These sentences are packed with enough extra words to fill a presidential debate. So, how do you fix it?

Let’s Tighten Things Up.

How would you trim down the mountain vacation essay? How about:“I reflected on my life and career during my mountain vacation”.Does that not explain the same event? Cutting the clutter is basically deciding what’s needed and what can go.Next is the long-winded business inquiry. “Hey, I’m just reaching out to blah blah blah…”, if you break this down to the intent of the statement, “do you have time for a quick call?” will do just fine.10x more effective and less salesy.As for the dreaded email opener…… get rid of it. There’s no saving example 3 and the consequences of using it is jail time.

The Real Cost of Waffling

Waffling isn’t just a minor hiccup; it’s a full-blown crisis for your content. When you overstuff your sentences the message gets buried in the fluff and your readers move on to something more engaging.Don’t be the reason they move on.Trimming the fat doesn’t just hold your reader’s interest, it respects their time. In the fast-paced world we live in, that’s a big deal.Happy writing,Gypsy-StormP.S. If you ever want a fresh pair of eyes on your marketing, I offer a free marketing analysis that might help trim the fluff. No pressure, no hard feelings if we don’t end up working together. It’s just a good way to see what we can do for you.

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The Best Content For Your Ads You Didn’t Know You Already Had.

Ever noticed your favorite influencer consistently using the same brands over and over?They’re definitely getting paid for that.Influencer marketing brings in big bucks, but let’s address the elephant in the room, not every business has influencer marketing money to throw around.Lucky for you, the runner-up is already at your fingertips, and it won't cost you a dime. UGC, user-generated content.So, what is it and how do you use it to its full potential?

The Real Deal with UGC

Think about the last time you booked an Airbnb. Sure, the pictures looked perfect, but did you ever stop to consider what the area was really like?Or how about trying new food? The phrase "treat yourself" hits different when the food ends up being terrible.How do you avoid making that mistake?Chances are, you ran straight to the comments section. If that’s you, then you already know the powerhouse that is UGC.But did you know it’s not just reviews?Look at Starbucks' #RedCupContest. They invited customers to share their holiday-themed cups, generating thousands of posts and tons of engagement.Or take Coca-Cola’s #ShareACoke Campaign, which encouraged customers to share photos with their customized drinks.Before you knew it, people were off to the store just to participate. That's some strong marketing right there and it was all generated by consumers.So, how can this work for you?

Leveraging UGC

Social media is your best bet for usable content.Share photos, videos, and stories from your happy customers on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.This adds a layer of authenticity and honesty.Let’s be real, every business owner claims to be the “No.1 X in the city of Y,” but potential customers trust consumers more than outlandish claims because, well, they are consumers too.Take matters into your own hands and start your own hashtag campaign.Monitor and track the usage, and you can even spice things up by offering an incentive for your returning customers to engage with it.If you have some money to play with in your marketing budget, there are paid user-generated content options like smaller, local influencers for marketing.And what about those reviews?Other than adding them to your website, reviews are perfect for social media marketing. Incorporate what your customers are saying into the blank spaces of your social media posts.When you see those posts doing well on engagements, you can turn that into your next paid ad.As long as you have users, the options for content are endless.Talk soon,Gypsy-StormP.S. Still not sure what to do?If you’re still scratching your head about how to make the most out of already generated content, we’re here to help. A free marketing analysis is just what you need to see how we can make UGC work for you. Trust us; your customers could be your best marketers!Sounds like a plan?Contact me here!

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